
官方免费下载- Dwell杂志one of the must-read for Dwellies



Dwell is a revolution in the world of home design, a place where modern styles and traditional designs coexist. Found in 2000 and dedicated to showcasing both domestic and international architecture, Dwell has evolved into something truly unique—its style starts from 冷峻 to 休闲、都市住宅到乡间度假屋,从最摩登新潮的摆饰品到垂手可得的家用品。

It’s hard not to find a connection with Dwell when you think about its mission: it's one of the best references for architecture that combines modern and traditional elements. Whether it’s exploring the artistry in your own house or discovering new design trends, Dwell offers something for everyone.

But here’s the kicker—Dwell is also a space for passionate fans to share their thoughts. From glowing reviews and exclusive interviews with architects and designers to detailed comparisons of similar projects, each review tells its own compelling story.

For those who love watching TV shows like 搜狗电视剧,Dwell is an absolute must-watch. The way it presents its design collection is mind-blowing—like a maze or labyrinth filled with hidden gems. Whether you’re looking for something quirky or something truly stunning, Dwell has something for everyone.

As we look to the future of home design, Dwell stands as a beacon of innovation and style. With its unique blend of modern and traditional elements, it’s like having your own private designer in every room of your house—just waiting for you to dive into it all day long.

  • 阳光温柔地将我拥抱,当春雨轻轻地滋润我干涸的眼眶,当春风吹散头顶堆积已久的忧郁,当我试着伸出手感触三月天,一切就在这一瞬间开始起伏,开始改变,你来到我的世界,美丽了所有。